The work of Optimal Brain Growth isn't yours to do for your child: it's theirs.

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There’s something fundamental that I want you to know now about supporting your child’s Optimal Brain Growth:

Their own brain is doing most of the work. Yep—they’re even more powerful and capable than you realize!

Does that mean that what you as the adult do doesn’t matter? Not at all: on the contrary, you’re the person responsible for setting them up for success in their environment, and in their community.

But it also means that ***you don’t need to grow their brain for them***.

For many of you, this will take a little pressure off, right?!

...for others, that idea might actually feel a little uncomfortable. That’s okay.

Either way, we can come to understand the principles of brain growth so that we’re parenting from a place that‘s calm and clear... and MUCH more empowered!

This fact of self-growth is true for infants through adolescents—what you need to understand is not as much what the “right” activities are at each age, as *how to apply this principle to your child at EVERY AGE*..

I’ll give examples all week about how the child’s brain grows itself—from exploring their own body and environment, to seeking out meaningful work that truly challenges their brain, to engaging in significant social interactions with other individuals of all ages (and how it’s best to do that during this time of social distancing!) And of course, I’ll tell you what your role is—and what it isn’t (whew!)

But for today, I want you to pause on this thought: the bulk of the WORK of Optimal Brain Growth isn’t yours to do... *it’s theirs*.

Tell me: do you want to witness your child doing their own work of Optimal Brain Growth? Do you already see it happening... or, do you need to see it more?